An Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) score is a test tube analysis that measures the antioxidant levels of food and other chemical substances. If a food has a high ORAC score, then it means the food is high in antioidants. The antioxidant’s strength is its ability to eliminate oxygen free radicals. With the ORAC score, a higher score means the food is better at helping us fight diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
Foods with a high ORAC score may be able to protect cells and their components from oxidative damage. Oxygen radicals are chemicals that form naturally inside the body through the process of oxidation. Everyday functions such as digestion and physical activity produce oxygen radicals. Daily exposure to polluted air, rancid food and oxidizing radiation from the sun and electrical appliances also contribute.
An easy to understand example of oxidation is to imagine rust attacking metal. When the rust eats away at the metal, the metal starts to weaken and decay until it can no longer work. This is what happens to our body when free radicals attack it. Organs, cells and other parts of the body can be weakened by oxidation. This leads to diseases such as cancer, skin and heart diseases, senile dementia and osteoarthritis.
The ORAC score test was developed by Dr. Guohua Cao, a chemist and physician. The ORAC score covers all the antioxidants in foods. Antioxidants cannot easily be measured separately, but the ORAC score test can identify which nutrients are the important antioxidants. Combinations of nutrients found in foods may have greater protective benefits than each nutrient on its own. Many people obtain a number of their daily nutrients from supplements in pill or powder form, but in order to receive the best form of nutrients, it is essential to receive them from plant chemicals rather than just from supplements. There are certain types of plants (MANGOSTEEN) that have a better antioxidant level than others, and the ORAC score can measure these.
The superior antioxidant power of the Mangosteen over all other fruits, botanicals, vitamins and supplements is just one of the 202 documented health benefits uniquely associated only with the Mangosteen fruit, as listed on the Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases of Dr. James W. Duke, Ph.D., who is recognized and regarded as one of the top Ethnobotanists in the World.
Mangosteen is also the most powerful anti-inflammatory and Cox 2 Inhibitor known to exist. No other fruit contains the highly unique phytonutrients known as "Xanthones," whereas Mangosteen fruit has over 40 of them.
Mangosteen: More Powerful Than Dozens of Fruits Combined!
A 17,000 Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.
Mangosteen is also the most powerful anti-inflammatory and Cox 2 Inhibitor known to exist. No other fruit contains the highly unique phytonutrients known as "Xanthones," whereas Mangosteen fruit has 43 of them.
Mangosteen: More Powerful Than Dozens of Fruits Combined!
A 17,000 Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.